Help from the Pros

Human Resources

In addition to connecting with your community via Hastings Pollinator Pathway events and your neighborhood buzz, you can engage a landscape architect to design and source a native plant garden.

Some Local Landscape Architects & Landscapers Working with Native Plants

Bedford Landscapers - Ken Hubener

EcoBeneficial - Kim Eierman

Green Jay Landscaping

Let It Grow Landscapes

Meadoworks LLC - Pam Pooley

Mossy Fern - Harry Fellows

Pennington Grey

Plan It Wild - Amanda Bayley

Plant Me a Rainbow - Sandra Nam Cioffi

Roots and Boots - Eugena Pilek Swart

Bee-Keeping Resources

Best Bees will install and maintain hives on your property

Crown Bees provides kits and information on keeping solitary bees

Local Native Plant Gardens

Seeing plants in a garden setting is helpful in choosing what will work best for your own space. Many public and private spaces provide inspiration.

Lenoir Preserve - recently restored wildflower meadows

Greenburgh Nature Center - native plant meadow, organic gardens, forest trails

The Native Plant Center - native plant gardens on display

Old Croton Aqueduct Visitor Center & Kiosk - recently installed pollinator garden just north of the trailer at Walnut Street in Dobbs.

New York Botanical Gardens Native Plant Garden - 3.5 acre garden that installed 100,000 native trees, shrubs, wildflowers, ferns, and grasses.

Untermyer Gardens Conservancy - some native plants, knowledgeable garden staff and educational videos.

Hastings on Hudson Quarry Park - COMING SOON!

See the Hastings on Hudson's Pollinator Pathway Garden Map for hyper-local inspiration and our Calendar for upcoming garden tours.